Sabtu, 01 September 2018

Chef Cookbook Tomcat

More than 27 million people use github to discover, development repository for tomcat chef cookbook. skip to content. features business explore tomcat cookbook.. I've been trying to customise a tomcat chef recipe but nothing i'm how to customise a tomcat recipe in chef. i suspect you're writing your own tomcat cookbook?. Automate tomcat installation steps, which are performed manually from the command line, to a chef cookbook..

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Using vagrant-berkshelf on my centos 6.5 box, i tried to specify 7 as the version of tomcat to install: "tomcat" => { "base_version" => "7" } however, when i tried to run vagr.... Need a chef cookbook to install tomcat 7 and java 8 for rhel 7. cookbook includes: tomcat 7 java 8 install wget follow steps here to install java 8 64 bit. Since friday, i have been toying with trying to get tomcat 7 installed via chef. i am u sing chef server and a centos vagrant vm. i have also....

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